Planning Approval on the Isle of Grain
Planning Approval on the Isle of Grain
Recently, some of team Esquire, Hunters employers agents and a local councillor for Medway, met with mhs Homes and their CEO to break ground at the upcoming Affordable Housing site on the Isle of Grain that we are proud to be a part of.
This will be a Joint Venture with MHS Homes to deliver 34 High Quality Affordable Homes in the Isle of Grain, Medway.
The application follows the successful and highly acclaimed 100% AH scheme we delivered with MHS Homes at Pier Road, Gillingham in 2023 and comprises a mix of 1,2 3 and 4 bedroom homes split between Shared Ownership and Social Rented tenure to specifically meet the needs of the local community.
The scheme will deliver bespoke well designed Affordable Homes and is expected to commence in May 2025 and completed in Autumn 2026.